Our Team of Professionals


We have a team of physical therapists throughout the region who provide service to over 100 patients. Our therapists are trained in chest physical therapy and are available to provide treatments up to 7 days per week. The frequency of our treatments is determined by you and your physician.


Our CPT treatments are thorough and comprehensive, using all eleven postural drainage positions along with vigorous percussion, deep breathing, and coughing to clear airways. Our treatments are provided in your home at a time that is convenient to you, typically before or after school or work- and even on the weekends if needed.


Individual therapists are assigned to each patient on a long-term basis to provide continuity of care, which is essential component of our home program. Therapists communicate regularly with our team of supervisors to ensure that the highest quality of care is provided. Most of our referrals come from leading physicians at hospitals and CF Centers in Massachusetts, including Boston Children’s Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, New England Medical Center, and UMASS Medical Center.